Air Entraining Admixture – Aqueous Solution


AD-TEK AEA is an air-entraining admixture designed to generate highly stable, correctly sized and evenly distributed semi-microscopic air pores in concrete to improve the workability and durability of concrete.

AD-TEK AEA is ideally suited for cast-in-situ (premix) and precast concrete, in which it has previously been difficult to maintain the desired air content, and is effective in maintaining air content during longer haul times.

AD-TEK AEA exceeds all requirements of Australian Standard AS1478.1 – 2000 for an Air Entraining Admixture.



  • Improves workability of concrete mixes
  • Dramatically increases concrete durability
  • Reduces mixing water with no loss in slump
  • No effect on setting time
  • Increases frost resistance
  • Used in wide spectrum of mix designs
  • Compatible with AD-TEK water reducing and other admixtures

Technical Data (typical)

  • Appearance: Aqueous solution
  • Colour: Light red
  • Density at 20°C: 1.002 g/litre
  • pH value: Approx. 3.0
  • Chloride content: None added
  • TEA content: None


AD-TEK AEA is introduced directly into the mixing water prior to addition of the aggregates. Measure the air content of the trial mix and increase or decrease the quantity of AD-TEK AEA as needed to obtain the desired air content in the production mix. Regular tests on the entrained air content should be undertaken with an air meter.

AD-TEK AEA should not come in contact with other admixtures prior to entering the concrete.


The recommended dose rate in typical concrete is between 30 – 150 ml per cubic meter depending on specific mix design and requirements. Air meter tests on trial mixes determine the exact dosage rates.

Pre-trial tests are a must.


AD-TEK AEA is available in 20-litre containers, 1000-litre cubes and in bulk.

Health and Safety

AD-TEK AEA contains no hazardous substances requiring labelling. For further information refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet.

Storage and Shelf Life

One year when stored in an unopened original container at between 5°C and 40°C.

Please contact our technical department for further information.

Disclaimer: Any advice, recommendation, information, assistance or service provided by application is in good faith and is believed by AD-TEK PTY LTD to be appropriate and reliable. However, any advice, recommendation, information, assistance or service provided by AD-TEK PTY LTD is provided without liability.


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