Waterproofer, Surface Hardener and Corrosion Protector – Aqueous Solution


AD-TEK PW is an especially modified aqueous silicate solution that provides long-term waterproofing and durability to concrete.

AD-TEK PW penetrates into concrete and reacts with free calcium, forming a calcium silicate gel complex in pores, capillaries, and cracks. This gel creates a sub-surface barrier against the penetration of water and contaminants such as chloride and sulphate ions, protecting the steel reinforcement against corrosion and increasing sulphate resistance of concrete.

After application, AD-TEK PW remains active in the concrete body to provide, in contact with water, self-generative healing properties to future hairline cracks.


  • As a waterproofing and durability enhancer of existing concrete structures, AD-TEK PW:
    • Provides long-term waterproofing
    • Seals cracks up to 2 mm
    • Densifies and hardens the surface layer, increasing the protective properties of the concrete against reinforcement corrosion
    • Increases chemical resistance and durability
  • On new hardening concrete, AD-TEK PW:
    • Increases waterproofing, surface hardness, and durability
    • Promotes efficient cement hydration during the curing phase
    • Eliminates surface cracking
    • Enhances concrete protective properties against steel reinforcement corrosion
  • As a primer for most cementitious renders, AD-TEK PW increases the adhesive bond strength of the render

Areas of Use

  • Waterproofing of roof and bridge decks, balconies, basements, concrete tanks, tunnels, marine structures, tiled areas etc.
  • Surface hardening and abrasion resistance of concrete surfaces, i.e. floors, roadworks etc.


  • Easy application with relatively high waterproofing
  • Waterproofing in difficult to access places
  • Does not require future maintenance
  • Treatment effective for greater than 10 years

Properties of Treated Concrete

Property Value
Waterproofing (DIN 1048) Resistance to water penetration increases by approximately 80%
Friction abrasion resistance (DIN 52108) Mass loss is reduced by up to 30 times
Impact abrasion resistance (AS/NZS 4456.9-2003) Abrasion resistance is increased
Chloride Ion Diffusion (NT Build 443 1995 – 11) Reduced approximately two times
Water absorption (Taywood Engineering Test) Absorption is decreased by approximately 25%
Water retention for new hardening concrete Water loss is reduced by approximately 25%
Slip resistance Unchanged by treatment



Surface Preparation

  • AD-TEK PW must be applied to a clean and dry surface free of contaminants.
  • Concrete must have open capillaries. All materials on the concrete surface that retard or resist penetration should be removed. If the surface is covered with oily matter, the concrete is lightly sandblasted or water pressured.
  • If segregation or voids are apparent, chip out, treat with AD-TEK PW, then repair with AD-TEK HB or HB-T.

Note: If the hardened concrete base is pozzolanic Portland cement, the concrete upper layer is carbonized or vastly leached (colourmetric method is acceptable for the free lime evaluation), then other AD-TEK waterproofing products AD-TEK R-F or AD-TEK R are recommended. The test for free lime is advised for concrete older than two years.

Application Rate

The application rate of AD-TEK PW depends on the condition of concrete but is usually in the range of 3.0 – 3.5 sq. metres/litre for the cracked areas and 3.5 – 4 sq. metres/litre for normal areas.


AD-TEK PW can be applied by spray, brush, mop, or broom in two ways:

  1. Treat all visible cracks by applying AD-TEK PW into and along hairline cracks prior to wetting the entire concrete surface with AD-TEK PW. Allow the surface to become touch dried (3-6 hours) and spray with water to fully wet.
  2. Dilute AD-TEK PW two times with water (by volume). Treat all visible cracks by applying half of the AD-TEK PW volume into and along hairline cracks prior to wetting the entire concrete surface with AD-TEK PW. Allow the surface to become touch dried (3-6 hours) and apply the second part of AD-TEK PW.

Waterproofing properties will develop over a period of time with exposure to moisture but can be attained in 72 hours by further spraying water to fully wet the concrete at intervals of approximately 12, 24, and 48 hours after application.

Packaging, Storage and Shelf Life

AD-TEK PW is available in 20-litre and 1000-litre containers.

AD-TEK PW has a shelf life of 12 months if kept in original unopened containers.

Please contact our technical department for further information.

Safety Information

Detailed safety information is contained in each Material Safety Data Sheet, which can be obtained from our sales office.

Disclaimer: Any advice, recommendation, information, assistance or service provided by application is in good faith and is believed by AD-TEK PTY LTD to be appropriate and reliable. However, any advice, recommendation, information, assistance or service provided by AD-TEK PTY LTD is provided without liability.


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